The Goal

The client had seen multiple months of consistent CPL increases across various marketing channels, and their goal was to decrease CPLs while increasing overall lead quality across their markets.

Our Approach

Sponsored Content

We proposed a simple prospecting campaign structure that drives to content-heavy article pages using our unique page handles and audience targeting network.

This approach offers increased validation regarding the brand’s authority and proven track record in the space while also being optimized for direct response Lead Signups.


Our creative strategy included using high-quality image assets of a variety of people exercising to drive home the brand’s service offer, along with iterative copy testing, both in ad copy and on the content pages that the campaigns drive traffic to.

The approach here is to create a review/testimonial-like space around the service offer to increase the quality of leads and over CVR from prospect to lead.

The Results

  • 45% increase in Leads
  • 49% increase in Conversion Rate